Can TED™ Hair Restoration Treatments Help Treat Pattern Baldness?

By: Dr. Leonel Perez


Thinning hair and hair loss are arguably among the most frustrating and discouraging symptoms of aging, leaving many men and women feeling hopeless and lacking self-esteem. While over-the-counter hair loss treatments are available, many are unreliable or simply ineffective altogether, while surgical hair restoration presents a costly and inconvenient option that may leave patients with a lengthy recovery period, scarring, and more. For men and women ready to regain their confidence and fuller hair growth without the downsides of topical products and surgery, Dr. Leonel Perez and the experienced team at Beyond Esthetics are proud to offer nonsurgical TED hair restoration in Annandale, VA. Keep reading to learn more about how TED hair restoration may help with your pattern baldness.

What is pattern baldness?

Female or male pattern baldness is characterized by thinning hair and eventual hair loss in certain distributions along the hairline and scalp. This is also known as androgenic alopecia and can affect almost anyone, though many people are genetically predisposed to experience hair loss. In addition, lifestyle and environmental factors can also contribute to — or exacerbate — hair loss. These may include:

  • Stress
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Overstyling
  • Tight hair styles
  • Certain hair products

What are my options for medical hair restoration?

If you’re like many people, you may have tried over-the-counter hair loss treatments, topical products, or oral hair growth supplements without achieving noticeable results. If so, you may be a candidate for professional hair restoration. Unlike hair restoration surgery — which may require lasers, incisions, anesthesia, scarring, and an extended recovery period — the TED hair restoration system is nonsurgical and noninvasive, helping patients to achieve natural hair growth more conveniently than ever.

How does TED hair treatment work for pattern baldness?

The revolutionary TED hair restoration treatment involves administering acoustic sound waves and focused air pressure to the scalp’s surface, which stimulates blood flow and allows the specialized TED+ Hair Care Formula products to be more efficiently and completely absorbed. Over time, this combination of techniques and nutrients helps to lengthen, strengthen, and thicken hair while also encouraging the retention of hair. Many patients with pattern baldness achieve a significant increase in hair growth around their most troublesome areas of thinning, like the hairline, part, and crown of the head.

How many TED hair restoration treatments will I need?

While you may notice a change in your hair growth or shedding after one session, the majority of patients will require a series of three TED hair restoration treatments to achieve an optimal outcome. During your initial consultation, Dr. Perez will assess your degree of hair loss and recommend a treatment schedule that is suitable for you. Throughout your treatment, we will monitor your progress and determine whether additional treatment sessions may be beneficial for you. Some patients choose to have yearly “touch-up” treatments to help keep their scalp healthy and encourage new growth over the long term.

Look and feel like your younger self once again with nonsurgical TED hair restoration in Annandale, VA

If you have started to notice a widening part, receding hairline, thinning hair, or a growing bald spot, you may be ready to explore your options for hair restoration. To learn more about the compelling benefits of noninvasive hair restoration with the TED+ Hair Care Formula products and TED hair restoration system, call Beyond Esthetics to schedule your consultation with esteemed reconstructive surgeon Dr. Leonel Perez today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.